A game is made of steps. At each step one of the associated actions is selected. You must follow the instructions
of both the steps and the selected action.
Some steps and actions have a timer. You will be able to go to the next step only at the end of the timer or if
you cancel the timer (that's cheating though).
Special steps can be reached at any moment.
Have fun !
Find a game
Recent games are displayed on the front page.
To find a game that truly corresponds to you, head to the search in the top menu bar.
Type a few keywords, or leave it blank, and click Search.
You will be brought to the search form and the corresponding results.
Favourites and creations
Games you favourited or that you created are accessible in the search. There are corresponding buttons in your
profile and in the menu bar too.
Start a game
Click Start on a game card on the front page or in the search results.
Alternatively, click Start on a game summary page.
Details about a game
The summary page of each game provides a description, information about the author, the objects and a picture. In
addition, one can reveal the details of all the steps and actions.
Some games rely on a "counter". These games can only be played by logged in people for technical reasons. At each step
the counter is updated (e.g. +1, -2, =100) and displayed. For the time being, it does not influence the game in
any ways but you can refer to it in your actions or step (e.g. "if the counter is 0 then do X").
Create a game
You need an account to create a game. Click on the corresponding menu item.
A game can be represented as a diagram such as this one:
Either pay for the image or make it yourself, e.g. with AI.
Game options
When creating a game or editing a game, you will have these options:
- Title
- Short, catchy, title for your game. 30 characters max.
- Summary
- Short summary. 180 characters max.
- Tags
- Add tags as you wish to help users search for your game.
- Objects
- List, comma separated, of objects needed or optional for this game.
- Target audience(s)
- Indicates which people this game is intended to.
- Indicates that it is a Not Safe For Work game.
- Published
- Check this option once your game is ready to be used.
- Hide details
- On the summary page of a game, the user won't be able to preview the game.
- Let user pick the action
- If enabled, the users will be able to pick the action instead of having one randomly picked for them.
- Image
- An image to illustrate the game. It will also be used for steps without specific images
- Text
- Give more details about your game. You can use markdown.
Add steps and actions
To edit a game, click on the corresponding button in the summary page or on the game card.
To edit/add/remove steps use the button "Edit steps". You can add more steps by clicking "Add more". To delete a
step check the box called "delete".
To edit/add/remove actions use the button "Edit actions (for step xxx)". By picking the step in the drop down
list, you will access the corresponding actions.
Refer to the section "Excel import" for the details of the fields.
A special> step is a step that is reachable by potentially any other step. It does not require an action to
reach it.
To mark a step as "special", tick the checkbox "Special" in the step edition form. If the special step must only
be reachable from some steps but not others, list these steps in the textfield next to it. Beware that the list
is comma-separated and must contain the IDs of the steps. To find out the ID of a step, look it up in the
form (see image below). If you just created the step, there won't be an ID: save the form and come back to it
Limitation: The IDs specified in an excel sheet must match the
real ID, not the one you set yourself
when creating a step.
Each game has a variable called "counter" associated with it. In most games you won't need it. It might be useful
though if you want to make sure that a step is played X times or if people can get out of a game only when they
got a number of points.
At the moment the counter cannot be used to enable/disable actions and steps, thus the text of the action or step
must state for example "Do this if counter is at zero otherwise reroll".
For each step you can specify an operation on the counter, such as "+1", "-2", "=0". If no step has these operations
specified, then the game has no counter and anyone can play it. If you use them, even in a single step, the game
requires users to be logged in to play. This is a technical limitation at the moment as we store the counter
in the database.
The counter is shown on each step.
Excel import
It is tedious to create all the steps and actions using the forms as described above. A better way is to use the
Excel export/import feature.
On the edit page of a game, click "Download Excel". You can then freely edit it in Excel.
To add new steps and actions, make sure to add an index that does not exist already. It must be a number.
To modify an existing step or an action, make sure to keep the index.
The columns `isFirst`, `isLast`, `special` and `cumulative` are booleans. ANY value means True.
Any input in the column `Delete` will cause this object to be deleted.
Step fields details:
- index
- For existing steps, keep it as it is. To add a new step, invent a new numerical index.
- delete
- Any value in this field will cause the step to be deleted along with the associated
- name
- Title of the step.
- text
- A description of the step.
- isFirst
- Mark the first step in the game. If multiple steps are marked as first, one will randomly
be picked.
- isLast
- Mark final step(s).
- duration
- A duration in the format "HH:MM:SS". It will block the progress for this duration.
- special
- A step that is reachable from any other step.
- cumulative
- Actions in such a step are cumulative, i.e. all the actions up to X are picked.
- reroll
- The step can be rerolled. A button will appear on this step to allow rerolling.
Action fields details:
- index
- For existing steps, keep it as it is. To add a new step, invent a new numerical index.
- delete
- Any value in this field will cause the step to be deleted along with the associated
- step
- The step to which this action belongs. Must match a step index (existing or new).
- order
- A field to order the actions belonging to the same step. Necessary if the step is of type
- Description
- Description.
- goto
- The index of the step to which we go after this action. Must match a step index (existing
or new). It can be empty if the action is in the last step or a special step.
- probability
- Probability to pick this action among all the actions of this step. If none is specified,
10% by default. If the sum is not 100%, the system compute a relative percentage.
- duration
- A duration in the format "HH:MM:SS". It will block the progress for this duration.
- min_times
- Minimum number of times one must reach the step before seeing this action.
- max_time
- Maximum number of times one can reach the step before this action vanishes.
Profile and preferences
In your profile you can write a bio and upload a picture.
There are also a couple of preferences:
- Show only the selected action
- If checked, you will see only the selected action at each step and not the other actions.
Nice to keep a bit of mistery for future replay.
- Show the percentage of chances to select an action
- When playing, show the percentage next to each action.
- User can bypass timers
- Timers block the progress of the game until they expire. If enabled, this option lets the
user bypass the timer. If you lack self-control, this is an important one.
- All steps can be rerolled
- Allows the user to reroll any step. This is cheating !
Games on the front page
Only the most recent games are displayed on the front page. Games with a score below 0 or without an image
are excluded.